

counselling and therapy

Counselling is vital for victims of abuse and children who are involved in crimes. Socio-legal counselling is provided to the victims jointly by the lawyer and the counsellor.

Individual therapy
We work one-on-one to address the client’s emotional or mental health concerns. The focus is on the individual and their personal experiences, thoughts, and feelings. The person is helped to identify their strengths and weaknesses, cope with difficult emotions, and develop strategies to overcome challenges.

Couple therapy
Two people who are in a relationship work together with the counsellor to address their relationship concerns. The focus is on the couples’ relationship dynamics, communication, and patterns of interaction. The couple is helped to identify areas of conflict, learn effective communication skills, and improve their emotional connection.

Group therapy
We work with a small group of people who are experiencing similar concerns. The focus is on the group as a whole and how the members interact with each other. Group therapy can be effective for people who want to connect with others who share their experiences and learn from each other. It also helps to develop interpersonal skills and provides a safe and supportive environment.

Family therapy
We work with members of a family to address their relational and communication difficulties. The focus is on the family system and how each member interacts with each other. We help the family members to identify patterns of interaction, improve communication, and develop strategies to improve their relationships. Family therapy can be particularly effective for children and adolescents who are experiencing difficulties at home.

Art therapy
It is a unique and effective form of therapy. It can help individuals explore their thoughts, and emotions, improve their mental health and well-being. They are helped to find new ways to express themselves creatively through creative materials and techniques. It can be used for individuals of all ages, for those experiencing a wide range of issues, such as anxiety, depression, trauma, and grief.

Our trained therapist guides the individual through various creative exercises and art-making processes, such as drawing, mandala, painting, and other forms of assessment.

Art therapy can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and healing, as it allows individuals to express themselves in a non-verbal way. This is especially helpful for those who have difficulty communicating their emotions verbally.

Clinical Hypnotherapy
It is a safe and effective form of therapy that can help individuals make positive changes in their lives by accessing their subconscious mind and working towards their goals in a relaxed and suggestible state.

Hypnotherapy can be effective for a wide range of issues, such as phobias, addiction, depression, and chronic pain. It can also be helpful for individuals looking to improve their performance in sports or other activities, as it can help increase focus and concentration.

Individuals are helped make positive changes in their thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Hypnosis is a state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility, in which an individual is more open to suggestion and able to access their subconscious mind.

During a session, a trained clinical hypnotherapist guides the individual into a hypnotic state using relaxation techniques and guided imagery, offers suggestions for positive changes in the individual’s behavior, beliefs, or feelings. These suggestions can be tailored to the individual’s specific needs and goals, and may include strategies for managing anxiety and improving self-esteem.

Family constellation therapy
This refers to the emotional and relational dynamics within a family system. This includes the roles, patterns of communication, and power dynamics between family members, as well as the impact of past experiences and generational patterns on the family’s functioning. Understanding the family system can help in identifying and addressing relational issues and promoting healing within the family unit.

Individuals can gain insight into how their family history has influenced their current relationships and patterns of behavior. Family constellations can also reveal patterns of dysfunction or conflict within the family system. By identifying these patterns and exploring their underlying causes, individuals and families can work to break free from negative cycles and promote healthier communication and relationships.

Redikall Healing guides one to precisely identify, modify, and amplify thought processes using positive thoughts and affirmations designed to bring about a powerful radical change in the way one thinks and lives.

Dispute Resolution / Mediation (Cases referred by Courts).
This Process is jointly handled by a lawyer and psychological expertise.

This is a participatory process with the social worker/counsellor, child and parent/guardian keeping in mind the child’s best interest. Children who are referred by SCAN-Goa for further education, skills development and job placements are monitored periodically. The rehabilitation plan is modified if required.

Career guidance

Aptitude tests help in identifying a student’s strength towards achieving their goals based on their best skills. The scores of these aptitude tests help the experts determine what is best suited for a child, based on their strengths.

An expert will then explain the report before handing it over to the child and the parent.


There is a lack of personnel in Goa for carrying out probation reports. The Juvenile Justice Board (North and South) refers cases to SCAN-Goa to conduct home study reports and submit the Social Investigation Report for children in conflict with law. The home visits are jointly conducted by the lawyer and social worker. The report provides an overview of the present status of the child and the rehabilitation required.

Community Service

SCAN-Goa was the pioneer agency to develop linkages between Juvenile Justice Boards (JJB), police and child care institutions. On completion of the case by the JJB, the child in conflict with law is referred to us. Depending on the gravity of the crime an appropriate community service is planned for the child. The rehabilitation of the child is monitored regularly, with periodic interaction with the placement agency.

job placements

Women and youth are referred to our Centre by the police, public prosecutors, Juvenile Justice Boards or by the community. SCAN-Goa is associated with hotels who provide job opportunities for them.


Due to inconsistency in investigation processes, and the increase in the number of cases it was vital to conduct training and awareness programmes for different stake holders.

In collaboration with Directorate of Women and Child Development and Juvenile Justice Boards, SCAN-Goa has conducted trainings for various stakeholders. The programmes are focused on legal aspects and way forward.


  • Paralegal volunteers: The Goa Children’s Act, 2003 and the POCSO Act, 2012, and working of the VAU and OSC were explained to the paralegal volunteers deputed at various police stations and government offices.
  • Doctors: The VAU and the role of the doctors conducting the medical examination of the victims was held for the Departments of Gynecology and Pediatrics, and Institute of Psychiatry and Human Behaviour. This programme was organized by the VAU with the Directorate of Women and Child Development, the Directorate of Prosecution and the Forensic Department.
  • Students and parents in schools/colleges: We identified areas where there were many cases of child abuse reported. The management was supportive and permitted us to speak to parents and students on the laws pertaining to women and children.
  • Police: We undertake periodic training for all officers on the Goa Children’s Act 2003, Juvenile Justice Act 2015 and POCSO Act 2012, Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act 2013, Domestic Violence Act 2005, etc.
  • Headmasters/ Teachers: Regular training and awareness sessions are being conducted for headmasters and teachers on the immediate response to a case of child abuse within the school. The Directorate of Education helped to arrange these meetings.
  • Police cadets: Intensive awareness programmes were conducted in schools where the police selected students as potential cadets.
  • Counsellors appointed by the Education Department: Training and follow-up sessions are held with the counsellors appointed by the Goa Education Development Corporation (GEDC) in schools.

Going to Court Programme

This programme is devised in collaboration with the Child Rights Clinic of V. M. Salgaocar College of Law, Miramar. The students are given an orientation to assist women and children in court.

The objective of this programme is to increase support and improve standards of interacting with survivors and witnesses. This would make them more comfortable and facilitate their participation in the legal process. It helps in relieving their anxiety when they are required to give evidence prior to their deposition in Court.